YouTube has looked favourably on Artificial Intelligence for some years, but it is only quite recently that it has impinged on my little corner of history. Over the past few months a suspicious number of shorts about Gilles de Rais have been appearing. They all have brand new illustrations, although they mostly do not look particularly fifteenth century..
The main giveaway is that the integral subtitles, and sometimes even the titles themselves, are laughably misspelt. So we find -
Giold de Rais
Gilda Rice
Jilas Derais
Gillister Rice
Gil Dorae
Gila Deriz
Giel da Reyes
He is routinely called Jill. At one point his surname is rendered as Darius.
Prelati is once memorably rendered as "Pilate".
Please note, these are not the auto-generated subtitles YouTube provides, which are routinely hilarious. These are part of the videos and cannot be turned off and on.
So far so funny, but the content is similarly distorted. Bizarrely, Gilles is executed by guillotine in one video. AI really cannot cope with his mode of death, so he may be hanged, burned, hanged and burned (not necessarily in that order), or sentenced to be burned but the sentence commuted to hanging.
One of his alleged crimes is "prostitution", apparently. There is a reference to Brittany, France, which is as wrong as it gets. The title I borrowed for this post is real; there are now people in YouTubeland who think that Gilles (or Gilda) stalked the streets of Paris like a French Jack the Ripper. For the record, Paris was occupied by the Burgundian allies of the English; Jehanne was unable to liberate it and Gilles never set foot inside its walls.
Certain phrases, mostly connected with satanic rituals and a descent into infamy, are recycled endlessly. AI clearly feeds on clickbait, and when it starts feeding on itself we shall really see some fun.
And if this is happening to Gilles de Rais, imagine the other disinformation being created out there, and the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who will swallow it unquestioningly.
Now more than ever, just because you read it on the internet does not make it true. Caveat lector.